Semantics in Organisational Communication

Call for papers

June 20th, Nancy, France
Co-located with IWCS 2023

Important dates:

Regular and non-archival submissions:



Main topics:

We welcome work broadly in the area of natural language processing, computational linguistics, computational social science, sociolinguistics, organisational psychology, and related fields with the aim of better understanding organisational communication. Cross-disciplinary collaborations between computer scientists and other social scientists in order to reach richer insights are especially welcome. We also encourage contributions that address multilingual settings as well as low-resource languages. The workshop topics include but are not limited to:


Regular submissions (long and short)

Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 8 pages of content and short papers of up to 4 pages of content, with unlimited pages for references. Accepted papers will be given an additional page of content to address reviewer comments, and will be published in the ACL Anthology. Previously published papers cannot be accepted. Dual submissions are allowed; papers that are currently undergoing review at other venues are welcome, but must declare this on submission.

Non-archival submissions

We welcome two types of non-archival submissions. First, you can submit an extended abstract of work not published elsewhere. These can include position papers, or early stage work that would benefit from peer feedback. Second, work previously accepted/published elsewhere, along with details about the venue or journal where it is accepted, and a link to the archived version, if available. In both cases there are no page limits, or style/anonymity requirements, and the submissions will be reviewed only for the fit to the workshop theme. Papers accepted as non-archival will be given an opportunity to present the work at the workshop, but will not be published in the ACL Anthology (they will be available on the workshop website).

Hackathon submissions

An active, experimentation-based track where hackathon-type online activities precede the workshop, and teams/individuals present their work in the workshop. The hackathon organisers will provide data, task suggestions, and periodic feedback. Though, participants are free to work on any relevant task or dataset during their hackathon project. Hackathon activities are by design online, while the rest of the workshop will be in person. Hackathon participants are invited (but not required) to submit a system description paper (up to 4 pages + unlimited pages for references); authors will be able to choose whether these are published in the ACL anthology.

Journal special issue

After the workshop, we will explore the possibility of inviting selected authors to submit a paper to a special issue of the Dialogue & Discourse journal. The journal submissions would undergo further review, and the paper should be substantially different from the original work.

Submission instructions:

Similar to IWCS, submissions should be fully anonymous to ensure double-blind reviewing. All submissions should follow the IWCS conference template (see

Submission link: