This The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a decentralised organisation that develops internet standards. The activities of the organisation span several main areas (list of areas). Each area is presided over by several area directors (ADs). Areas are further divided into working groups (WGs), each of which, are chaired by one or more WG chairs (list of active wgs). The working groups bring together participants of similar expertise to focus on a single standard or a smaller number of closely related standards. Each standard starts out as an internet draft. Successfully finished standards are published by the IETF as documents called RFCs. A simplified view of this process is shown below:

Image of the IETF draft publication process.

A draft starts as an individual draft. It is then iteratively refined after discussions via the mailing lists and in live meetings. If successful, it gets adopted by a WG. As a WG draft it is further iteratively refined by the WG members and at some point publication is requested. When this process is finished the draft is published as an RFC. If the process does not successfully finish the draft expires.

All stages of this process are well documented and there is a lot of data available about it. This documentation describes how to easily access this data and gives examples of some basic analyses that can be carried out. There are four main sources of the data to consider:

  1. Datatracker - a metadata database that contains information about the process – participants, documents (+ version histories), groups, meetings, WG chair/ AD director roles, etc.

  2. Mailarchive - an archive of all the email correspondence in the IETF mailing lists ranging back to the 1990s

  3. RfcIndex - an additional metadata database containing information about documents that became RFCs

  4. Documents rsync repo - a repository containing text and xml versions of all versions of all documents (published and unpublished)

Below you will find quickstart and usage examples that will help you quickly get going with your exploration of the available data.


A simple and fast setup that will be a good start for most users is as follows:

  1. Install MongoDB if you don’t already have it (this guide was based on version 5.0.5), you can find installation instructions for your favorite OS here
  2. Install the ietfdata library available pip install ietfdata (extra information available at the library github page)
  3. Install additional packages for handling metadata as described in the metadata chapter. You can install only those that you want to use, or skip this step entirely. The availabale extra metadata are:
    • Full texts of the documents (see this section)
    • More elaborate spam information
    • Breakdown of email text into segments (quotes, signatures, or regular text)
    • An interaction graph between participants
  4. Fetch all the data intend to use by running the commands described in the staying up to date chapter

You should now, have the texts in my-local-mirror-folder and be able to successfully instantiate the below classes

from ietfdata.datatracker import *
from ietfdata.mailarchive2 import *
from ietfdata.rfcindex import *      

ri = RfcIndex()
dt = DataTracker(use_cache = True, mongodb_user = "FrodoB", mongodb_password = "AshNazg")
ma = MailArchive(mongodb_user = "FrodoB", mongodb_password = "AshNazg")

# these imports may not work, depending on what you skippped
from metadata_spam import is_spam 
from metadata_seg import get_segmentation, get_signature

You should now be able to run all the examples as well as write your own analyses.

Staying up to date

This section assumes you have set up all the above libraries and caches, but some time has passed and you wish to update to have the most recent version of the data available. The RFCIndex has no cache and is always up to date, and the Datatracker will automatically update it’s cache so there is no action needed there. What you need to manually update is:

1 The texts of the documents

rsync -avz --delete*.txt my-local-mirror-folder

2 The mailarchive cache:

from ietfdata.mailarchive2 import *
ma = MailArchive(mongodb_user = 'FrodoB', mongodb_password = 'AshNazg')    

3 Additional metadata Once the mailarchive/text has been updated you must regenerate the metadata. This step is only required for those types of metadata that you need (otherwise just ignore it). For commands to refresh the metadata of a particular type please see the corresponding section in the this chapter or this chapter.


The datatracker is a database (available via an online API) that contains various metadata about the workings of the IETF. You may also easily access this data using a python API described in the next subsection. Below is a non-exhaustive list of available data that we expect to be particularly often used in analyses.

Data class Fields
Person name, biography, date joined
Email associated person, is primary?
Document title, abstract, group, state, submissions (versions), date and time, type, authors, events
Group acronym, description, charter, list email, date founded, events, history, roles (chairs)

For a full list of available fields for every data class (including more, such as data related to meetings, ballots, schedules, and reviewing) please see the ietfdata DataTracker documentation.


To get started with using the Datatracker API please clone and set up the ietfdata git repository. This comes down to the following commands:

git clone
cd ietfdata
pipenv install --dev -e .

You are now ready to use the python API by instancing the DataTracker class. For example:

from ietfdata.datatracker import *
dt = DataTracker()  


However, this means that each time you request some data, a network request will be sent to the official Datatracker server, which can be very slow, and might sometimes overload the server. For this reason we strongly encourage you to avoid this by copying all or most of the Datatracker data to your machine locally. There are two methods to do this.

Method 1 Enable the datatracker cache which uses a MongoDB database. Ideally you can can prepopulate the cache with a recent snapshot of the data as follows:

Install MongoDB if you don’t already have it (this guide was based on version 5.0.5), you can find installation instructions for your favorite OS here

You may now use the datatracker by pointing it to the MongoDB cache (keep in mind that the user you are using needs to have read/write access to the database you restored in step 3):

from ietfdata.datatracker import *
dt = DataTracker(use_cache = True, mongodb_user = 'FrodoB', mongodb_password = 'AshNazg')  


Method 2 Set up a local Datatracker instance following these instructions and modify the IETFDATA_DT_URL environment variable to point to it (likely “localhost:port”).

Example: Draft authors

Full example here

doc = dt.document(DocumentURI('/api/v1/doc/document/draft-ietf-mmusic-rfc4566bis/'))
print("Title: {}".format(doc.title))
for doc_author in dt.document_authors(doc):
  p = dt.person(doc_author.person)
  print("Author: {}".format(

for submission_uri in doc.submissions:
  submission = dt.submission(submission_uri)
  print("Revision: {}".format(submission.rev))
  for author in submission.parse_authors():
      print("  author: {}".format(author["name"]))

Example: Draft references

Full example here

draft = "draft-ietf-quic-transport"


for alias in dt.document_aliases(draft):
    for rel in dt.related_documents(target = alias):
        rel_type   = dt.relationship_type(rel.relationship)
        rel_source = dt.document(rel.source)
        assert rel_type is not None
        assert rel_source is not None
        if dt.document_type(rel_source.type) == dt.document_type_from_slug("draft"):
            print(F"    {rel_type.revname} {}-{rel_source.rev}") 

Example: Draft submissions (by date)

Full example here

  for submission in dt.submissions(date_since = "2021-11-01", date_until = "2021-11-30"):
    print(f"  submitted: {submission.submission_date}")

    for author in submission.parse_authors():
        print(f"  author: {author['name']}", end="")
        if author['email'] is not None:
            print(f" <{author['email']}>", end="")
        if author['affiliation'] is not None:
            print(f", {author['affiliation']}", end="")

    for url in submission.urls():
        print(f"  {url}")

Example: Drafts for person

Full example here

p  = dt.person_from_email("")

for da in dt.documents_authored_by_person(p):
    doc = dt.document(da.document)

Example: Drafts for RFC

Full example here

rfc = ri.rfc("RFC8280")
if rfc is not None:
    for d in dt.draft_history_for_rfc(rfc):
        print("    {0: <50} | {1} | {2}".format(, d.rev,"%Y-%m-%d")))

Note: this example also uses the RFCIndex class (ri = RfcIndex())

Example: Drafts for working group

Full example here

g  = dt.group_from_acronym("rmcat")
for draft in dt.documents(group=g, doctype=dt.document_type_from_slug("draft")):
    for sub_url in draft.submissions:
        sub = dt.submission(sub_url)
        print(F"  {sub.document_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} {}-{sub.rev}")
        for a in sub.parse_authors():
            print(F"    {a['name']} <{a['email']}>")

Example: Leadership roles

Full example here

print(F"The IETF chair is {dt.ietf_chair().name}")

print("The IESG members are:")
for m in dt.iesg_members():
    print(F"  {}")

print("The IETF working group chairs are:")
for m in dt.working_group_chairs():
    print(F"  {}")

Example: Person emails

Full example here

  for alias in dt.person_aliases(name="Colin Perkins"):
    for email in dt.email_for_person(dt.person(alias.person)):

Other examples

Here are some other available examples that use the Datatracker API:


Emails for person

Organisation chart

Person attendance

Person data

Drafts recently requesting publication



Setting up the RFCIndex API is similar and simpler than setting up the Datatracker API, because there is no cache to set up. Simply install the ietfdata library (if you have not already done so):

git clone
cd ietfdata
pipenv install --dev -e .

And you are ready to go:

from ietfdata.rfcindex        import *
ri = RFCIndex()  


Some useful data provided by this part of the library includes title,authors,date,working group,area, obsoletes, and obsoleted-by. For details please see the ietfdata RFCIndex documentation.

Example: Get data about RFC

Full example here

 for rfc in ri.rfcs():
   print("  rfc.title        | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, rfc.title))
   print("  rfc.draft        | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, rfc.draft))
   for kw in rfc.keywords:
       print("  rfc.keyword      | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, kw))
   print("         | {} | {} {}".format(rfc.doc_id, rfc.month, rfc.year))
   print("       | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id,
   print("  rfc.wg           | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, rfc.wg))
   print("  rfc.area         | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, rfc.area))
   print("  rfc.publ_status  | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, rfc.publ_status))
   print("  rfc.curr_status  | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, rfc.curr_status))
   print("  rfc.april_fool   | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, is not None))
   print("  rfc.page_count   | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, rfc.page_count))
   for doc in rfc.updates:
       print("  rfc.updates      | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, doc))
   for doc in rfc.updated_by:
       print("  rfc.updated-by   | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, doc))
   for doc in rfc.obsoletes:
       print("  rfc.obsoletes    | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, doc))
   for doc in rfc.obsoleted_by:
       print("  rfc.obsoleted-by | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, doc))
   for a in rfc.authors:
       print("       | {} | {}".format(rfc.doc_id, a))

There is a lot more data available! Please see full example for details.

Example: RFC streams

Full example here

for rfc in ri.rfcs():
  total += 1
  if == "Legacy":
      legacy += 1
  if in streams:
      streams[] += 1
      streams[] = 0

for stream in streams:
  print(f"{stream:11} : {streams[stream]:5d} ", end="")
  print(f"({streams[stream] / total * 100:4.1f}%)", end="")
  if stream != "Legacy":
      print(f"  ({streams[stream] / (total - legacy) * 100:4.1f}% excluding legacy)", end="")


This part of the data contains the text of the messages from the IETF mailing lists, including all the email headers (most useful being from, to, subject, date, in-reply-to) and the name of the mailing list to which the email was sent. The library also provides a way to traverse entire threads of emails that form during discussion.

For an in-depth look of all the available functionality please see the ietfdata MailArchive documentation.


To get started with using the Mailarchive API please clone and set up the ietfdata git repository (if you have not already done so):

git clone
cd ietfdata
pipenv install --dev -e .

Similarly as the Datatracker, the Mailarchive class can use a mailarchive cache – a (most often local) MongoDB database containing a snapshot of the data. In contrast to the Datatracker, usage of this cache is not optional you must have it set up as follows:

  1. Install MongoDB if you don’t already have it (this guide was based on version 5.0.5), you can find installation instructions for your favorite OS here

  2. Populate the cache by either:

    from ietfdata.mailarchive2 import *
    ma = MailArchive(mongodb_user = 'FrodoB', mongodb_password = 'AshNazg')    

    This will create a database called ietfdata_mailarchive_v2 and populate it with messages from the IETF mailarchive server.

You may now use the MailArchive class by pointing it to the MongoDB cache (keep in mind that the user you are using needs to have read/write access to the database restored in step 3):

 from ietfdata.mailarchive2 import *
 ma = MailArchive(mongodb_user = 'FrodoB', mongodb_password = 'AshNazg')  

NOTE: Unlike with the Datatracker cache, which will automatically fetch new data from the server whenever it is available, the mailarchive cache will not automatically check for updates on the server, if you want to get up to date data you must call the update() method.

Example: Iterate over mailing lists / threads / messages

ml_name = "100all"
ml = archive.mailing_list(ml_name)
if ml:
   thr_root_dict = ml.threads(this_list_only = True)
   for thr_root_key in thr_root_dict:
       thread_root_msg = thr_root_dict[thr_root_key][0]
       for msg in iterate_over_thread(thread_root_msg):                   
            # your code here

Example: Getting message headers


Each of these returns a list of strings which are the values of that header (some of them can have multiple values, if they appeared in the header several times. You can also call msg.header("message-id") to get the message-id of the message. You can find more information about the behavior in the documentation of the Envelopoe class

Mailarchive additional metadata

These are repositories with code that produces additional metadata and data structures building on the existing data from the Datatracker/Mailarchive. Currently the following metadata types are available, each type is in a separate git repo.

  1. Spam information
  2. Email segmentations (and signatures)
  3. E-mail interaction graph

These are completely separated. If you are only interested in one type of metadata you can only use that type and completely ignore the rest.


Email segmentations

Clone the corresponding repository:

  git clone

To regenerate the data (after initial install or after mailarchive update) run:


Note: This will fully occupy your CPU, we recommend running over night.

Spam data

Clone the corresponding repository:

  git clone

To regenerate the data (after initial install or after mailarchive update) run:

tar xvzf spamrres.tar.gz

Interaction graph

Clone the corresponding repository:

  git clone

To regenerate the data (after initial install or after mailarchive update) run:


The interaction graph is in a file named intgraph.csv.

Example: Getting all available metadata

   ml_name = "100all"
   ml = archive.mailing_list(ml_name)
   if ml:
       thr_root_dict = ml.threads(this_list_only = True)
       for thr_root_key in thr_root_dict:
           thread_root_msg = thr_root_dict[thr_root_key][0]    
           for msg in iterate_over_thread(thread_root_msg): 

                  # spam
                  print(is_spam(msg, archive))

                  # signature
                  print(get_signature(msg, archive))

                  # segmentations / pseudolabels
                  for segment in get_segmentation(msg, archive):
                  # interaction graph, is a csv that will be generated when installing the metadata-access library
                  int_df = pd.read_csv("metadata-ig/intgraph.csv") 

Example: Getting clean text of emails

   ml_name = "100all"
   ml = archive.mailing_list(ml_name)
   if ml:
       thr_root_dict = ml.threads(this_list_only = True)
       for thr_root_key in thr_root_dict:
           thread_root_msg = thr_root_dict[thr_root_key][0]
           for msg in iterate_over_thread(thread_root_msg):                   
                message_clean_text = "\n".join([s for s in get_segmentation(msg, archive) if s.type == "normal"])

Note: segments can have three types “normal” (green below) is regular text, “quote” is quoted text (red below), and “signature” is the signature (blue below). For example:

>> Captain, can I have some shore leave
>> to get some rest from exploring.

Sure, also, next time use subspace radio instead of email.


Example: Segments quoting other segments

   ml_name = "100all"
   ml = archive.mailing_list(ml_name)
   if ml:
       thr_root_dict = ml.threads(this_list_only = True)
       for thr_root_key in thr_root_dict:
           thread_root_msg = thr_root_dict[thr_root_key][0]
           for msg in iterate_over_thread(thread_root_msg):                            
                  # segmentations / pseudolabels
                  for segment in get_segmentation(msg, archive):
                          print("Segment %d is quoting segment %d" % (, segment.antecedent))                          

In the email from the previous example, the green segment would have the id of the red segment in its antecedent field. The antecedent field of the red and blue segments would be -1.

Example: Working with the interaction graph

The csv file containing the interaction graph can be downloaded at this link. Each row represents one interaction, i..e, one message that was sent. It contains the following columns:

Column Description
current_from_email Comma separated list of email addresses in the “from” header field of the current message (the message that was sent in this interaction).
current_to_email Comma separated list of email addresses in the “to” header field of the current message
reply_to_from_email Comma separated list of email addresses in the “from” header field of the message is referred to by the “reply-to” header field of the current message (should correspond to the previous column, apart from not having a mailing list name)
current_message_id The “message-id” header field of the current message.
current_uid The “uid header field of the current message.
current_uidvalidity The “uidvalidity” header field of the current message.
reply_to_message_id The “message-id” header field of the message referred to by the “reply-to” header field of the current message.
reply_to_uid The “uid” header field of the message referred to by the “reply-to” header field of the current message.
reply_to_uidvalidity The “uidvalidity” header field of the message referred to by the “reply-to” header field of the current message.
date The date and time of the current messsage (“YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”)
mailing_list_name Name of the mailing list that the current message was sent to.

Document full texts

Full texts of drafts (all versions) and RFC-s are available in an rsync repo. Most texts are available in both txt and xml formats, with xml being easier to automatically parse. This repository includes some other text data including WG charters, proceedings, IESG minutes, and slides.

Rsync access

To download all texts in txt format:

rsync -avz --delete*.txt my-local-mirror-folder

Slight changes to the rsync name/path in this command fetches various data. Please refer to this page to see all available paths. The documents are named “draft-name” followed by a two-digit version number. E.g., “draft-perkins-aodv6-01” (“draft-perkins-aodv6” is the name an “01” is the version number).


TODO summary of W3C







Example 1


Example 2






Example 1


Example 2


Github issues




Example 1


Example 2